Catalog Workspace Content Service

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_workspace_content service enables you to list catalog all objects from a workspace. These objects include:

  • Datasets

  • Metrics

  • Facts

  • Attributes

The service enables read, put, load and store of declarative layout for LDM (logical data model) and analytics model.

The service supports two types of methods:

  • Entity methods let you work with workspace content on a high level using simplified entities.

  • Declarative methods allow you to work with workspace content on a more granular level by fetching entire workspace content layouts, including all of their nested objects.

Entity methods

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_workspace_content supports the following entity API calls:

  • get_full_catalog(workspace_id: str)

    Returns CatalogWorkspaceContent.

    Retrieve all datasets with attributes, facts, and metrics for a workspace.

  • get_attributes_catalog(workspace_id: str)

    Returns list[CatalogAttribute]

    Retrieve all attributes for a workspace.

  • get_labels_catalog(workspace_id: str)

    Returns list[CatalogLabel]

    Retrieve all labels for a workspace.

  • get_metrics_catalog(workspace_id: str)

    Returns list[CatalogMetric]

    Retrieve all metrics for a workspace.

  • get_facts_catalog(workspace_id: str)

    Returns list[CatalogFact]

    Retrieve all facts for a workspace.

  • get_dependent_entities_graph(workspace_id: str)

    Returns CatalogDependentEntitiesResponse

    There are dependencies among all catalog objects, the chain is the following:
    fact/attribute/label -> dataset -> metric -> insight -> dashboard
    Some steps can be skipped, e.g. fact -> insight
    We do not support table -> dataset dependency yet.
  • get_dependent_entities_graph_from_entry_points(workspace_id: str, dependent_entities_request: CatalogDependentEntitiesRequest)

    Returns CatalogDependentEntitiesResponse

    Extends get_dependent_entities_graph with the entry point from which the graph is created.

Example Usage

from gooddata_sdk import GoodDataSdk

# GoodData.CN host in the form of uri eg. "http://localhost:3000"
host = "http://localhost:3000"
# GoodData.CN user token
token = "some_user_token"
sdk = GoodDataSdk.create(host, token)

workspace_id = "demo"

# Read catalog for demo workspace
catalog = sdk.catalog_workspace_content.get_full_catalog(workspace_id)

# Print all dataset in the workspace
for dataset in catalog.datasets:

# Print all metrics in the workspace
for metric in catalog.metrics:

# Read list of attributes for demo workspace
attributes = sdk.catalog_workspace_content.get_attributes_catalog(workspace_id)

# Read list of facts for demo workspace
facts = sdk.catalog_workspace_content.get_facts_catalog(workspace_id)

Declarative methods

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_workspace_content supports the following declarative API calls:

Logical data model (LDM)

  • get_declarative_ldm(workspace_id: str)

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeModel.

    Retrieve a logical model layout. On CatalogDeclarativeModel user can call modify_mapped_data_source(data_source_mapping: dict) method, which substitutes data source id in datasets.

  • put_declarative_ldm(workspace_id: str, ldm: CatalogDeclarativeModel, validator: Optional[DataSourceValidator])

    Put a logical data model into a given workspace. You can pass an additional validator parameter which checks that for every data source id in the logical data model the corresponding data source exists.

  • store_declarative_ldm(workspace_id: str, layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Store logical data model layout in directory hierarchy.

    └── organization_id
            └── workspaces
                    └── workspace_id
                            └── analytics_model
                                    └── ldm
                                        ├── datasets
                                        │       └── dataset.yaml
                                        └── date_instances
                                                └── date_instance.yaml
  • load_declarative_ldm(workspace_id: str, layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeModel.

    Load declarative LDM layout, which was stored using store_declarative_ldm.

  • load_and_put_declarative_ldm(workspace_id: str, layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd(), validator: Optional[DataSourceValidator])

    This method combines load_declarative_ldm and put_declarative_ldm methods to load and set layouts stored using store_declarative_ldm. You can pass an additional validator parameter which checks that for every data source id in the logical data model the corresponding data source exists.

Analytics Model

  • get_declarative_analytics_model(workspace_id: str)

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeAnalytics.

    Retrieve an analytics model layout.

  • put_declarative_analytics_model(workspace_id: str, analytics_model: CatalogDeclarativeAnalytics)

    Put an analytics model into a given workspace.

  • store_declarative_analytics_model(workspace_id: str, layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Store declarative analytics model layout in directory hierarchy.

    └── organization_id
            └── workspaces
                    └── workspace_id
                            └── analytics_model
                                    ├── analytical_dashboards
                                    │       └── analytical_dashboard.yaml
                                    ├── dashboard_plugins
                                    │       └── dashboard_plugin.yaml
                                    ├── filter_contexts
                                    │       └── filter_context.yaml
                                    ├── metrics
                                    │       └── metric.yaml
                                    └── visualization_objects
                                            └── visualization_object.yaml
  • load_declarative_analytics_model(workspace_id: str, layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeAnalytics.

    Load declarative LDM layout, which was stored using store_declarative_analytics_model.

  • load_and_put_declarative_analytics_model(workspace_id: str, layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    This method combines load_declarative_analytics_model and put_declarative_analytics_model methods to load and set layouts stored using store_declarative_analytics_model.

Example usage:

from gooddata_sdk import GoodDataSdk

# GoodData.CN host in the form of uri eg. "http://localhost:3000"
host = "http://localhost:3000"
# GoodData.CN user token
token = "some_user_token"
sdk = GoodDataSdk.create(host, token)

workspace_id = "demo"

# Get ldm object afterward you can modify it
ldm = sdk.catalog_workspace_content.get_declarative_ldm(workspace_id=workspace_id)

# Modify data source id for datasets
ldm.modify_mapped_data_source({"demo-test-ds": "demo-prod-ds"})

# Put ldm object back to server
sdk.catalog_workspace_content.put_declarative_ldm(workspace_id=workspace_id, ldm=ldm)

# Get analytics model object afterward you can modify it
analytics_model = sdk.catalog_workspace_content.get_declarative_analytics_model(workspace_id=workspace_id)

# Put analytics model object back to server