Catalog User Service

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_user service enables you to perform the following actions on users and user groups:

  • Get and list existing users and user groups

  • Update or delete existing users and user groups

  • Create new users and user groups

  • Store and restore users and user groups from directory layout structure

The service supports two types of methods:

  • Entity methods let you work with users and user groups on a high level using simplified CatalogUser and CatalogUserGroup entities.

  • Declarative methods allow you to work with users and user groups on a more granular level by fetching entire users and user groups layouts.

Entity methods


The gooddata_sdk.catalog_user supports the following user entity API calls:

  • create_or_update_user(user: CatalogUser)

    Create a new user or overwrite an existing user.

  • get_user(user_id: str)

    Returns CatalogUser.

    Get an individual user.

  • delete_user(user_id: str)

    Delete a user.

  • list_users()

    Returns List[CatalogUser].

    Get a list of all existing users.

Example Usage

from gooddata_sdk import GoodDataSdk, CatalogUser

# GoodData.CN host in the form of uri eg. "http://localhost:3000"
host = "http://localhost:3000"
# GoodData.CN user token
token = "some_user_token"
sdk = GoodDataSdk.create(host, token)

# List users
users = sdk.catalog_user.list_users()

# [
#   CatalogUser(id='demo2',
#               attributes=CatalogUserAttributes(authentication_id='CiRmYmNhNDkwOS04YzYxLTRmMTYtODI3NC1iNzI0Njk1Y2FmNTESBWxvY2Fs'),
#               relationships=CatalogUserRelationships(user_groups=CatalogUserGroupsData(data=[CatalogUserGroup(id='demoGroup', relationships=None)]))),
#   ...
# ]

# Define user
user = CatalogUser.init(user_id="abc", authentication_id="xyz",user_group_ids=["demoGroup"])

# Create user

# Delete user

User groups

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_user supports the following user groups entity API calls:

  • create_or_update_user_group(user_group: CatalogUserGroup)

    Create a new user group or overwrite an existing user group.

  • get_user_group(user_group_id: str)

    Returns CatalogUserGroup.

    Get an individual user group.

  • delete_user_group(user_group_id: str)

    Delete a user group.

  • list_user_groups()

    Returns List[CatalogUserGroup].

    Get a list of all existing user groups.

Example Usage

from gooddata_sdk import GoodDataSdk, CatalogUserGroup

# GoodData.CN host in the form of uri eg. "http://localhost:3000"
host = "http://localhost:3000"
# GoodData.CN user token
token = "some_user_token"
sdk = GoodDataSdk.create(host, token)

# List user groups
user_groups = sdk.catalog_user.list_user_groups()

#    CatalogUserGroup(id='adminGroup', relationships=None),
#    CatalogUserGroup(id='adminQA1Group',
#                     relationships=CatalogUserGroupRelationships(parents=CatalogUserGroupParents(data=[CatalogUserGroup(id='adminGroup', relationships=None)])))
#    ...

# Define user
user_group = CatalogUserGroup.init(user_group_id="xyz", user_group_parent_ids=["demoGroup"])

# Create user

# Delete user

Declarative methods


The gooddata_sdk.catalog_user supports the following declarative user API calls:

  • get_declarative_users()

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeUsers.

    Retrieve all users including authentication properties.

  • put_declarative_users(users: CatalogDeclarativeUsers)

    Set all users and their authentication properties.

  • store_declarative_users(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Store users in directory hierarchy.

    └── organization_id
            └── users
                    └── users.yaml
  • load_declarative_users(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Load users from directory hierarchy.

  • load_and_put_declarative_users(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    This method combines load_declarative_users and put_declarative_users methods to load and set users stored using store_declarative_users.

Example Usage

from gooddata_sdk import GoodDataSdk

# GoodData.CN host in the form of uri eg. "http://localhost:3000"
host = "http://localhost:3000"
# GoodData.CN user token
token = "some_user_token"
sdk = GoodDataSdk.create(host, token)

# Get user layout
user_layout = sdk.catalog_user.get_declarative_users()

# CatalogDeclarativeUsers(
#          users=[
#                   CatalogDeclarativeUser(id='admin',
#                                          auth_id=None,
#                                          user_groups=[CatalogUserGroupIdentifier(id='adminGroup', type='userGroup')]),
#                   CatalogDeclarativeUser(id='demo',...
# ...

# Modify user layout
user_layout.users = []

# Update user layout

User groups

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_user supports the following declarative user groups API calls:

  • get_declarative_user_groups()

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeUserGroups.

    Retrieve all user-groups eventually with parent group.

  • put_declarative_user_groups(user_groups: CatalogDeclarativeUserGroups)

    Set all user groups with their parents eventually.

  • store_declarative_user_groups(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Store user groups in directory hierarchy.

    └── organization_id
            └── user_groups
                    └── user_groups.yaml
  • load_declarative_user_groups(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeUserGroups.

    Load user groups from directory hierarchy.

  • load_and_put_declarative_user_groups(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    This method combines load_declarative_user_groups and put_declarative_user_groups methods to load and set user groups stored using store_declarative_user_groups.

Example Usage

from gooddata_sdk import GoodDataSdk

# GoodData.CN host in the form of uri eg. "http://localhost:3000"
host = "http://localhost:3000"
# GoodData.CN user token
token = "some_user_token"
sdk = GoodDataSdk.create(host, token)

# Get user layout
user_group_layout = sdk.catalog_user.get_declarative_user_groups()

# CatalogDeclarativeUserGroups(
#          user_groups=[
#                   CatalogDeclarativeUserGroup(id='adminGroup', parents=None),
# ...

# Modify user group layout
user_group_layout.user_groups = []

# Update user group layout

Users and user groups

The gooddata_sdk.catalog_user supports the following declarative users and user groups API calls:

  • get_declarative_users_user_groups()

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeUsersUserGroups.

    Retrieve all users and all user-groups.

  • put_declarative_users_user_groups(users_user_groups: CatalogDeclarativeUsersUserGroups)

    Set all users and user groups.

  • store_declarative_users_user_groups(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Store users and user groups in directory hierarchy.

    └── organization_id
            ├── users
            │      └── users.yaml
            └── user_groups
                    └── user_groups.yaml
  • load_declarative_users_user_groups(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    Returns CatalogDeclarativeUsersUserGroups.

    Load users and user groups from directory hierarchy.

  • load_and_put_declarative_users_user_groups(layout_root_path: Path = Path.cwd())

    This method combines load_declarative_users_user_groups and put_declarative_users_user_groups methods to load and set users and user groups stored using store_declarative_users_user_groups.